Dexter to Ann Arbor 10K
Location Ann Arbor MI Start Time 6/3/2018 7:50:51 AM
Category 10K
Distance 6.28 miles Ascend 201 feet Descend -195 feet
Total Time 01:06:38 Moving 01:06:16 Stopped 00:00:22
Average Pace 00:10:36 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:09:04 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:16:46 min/mi
Calories 890 Average HR N/A Max HR N/A
Weather 62 °F HeavyRain Min./Max.: 61.8 °F/62.8 °F; Pressure: 1009.5 mbar; Humidity: 0.0%; Dew point: -; Wind Speed: 0.0 mph; Precipitation: 13.9mm
Equipment Garmin - 910XT
Omron - HJ-729ITC
Asics - Gel-Nimbus 19
Notes Rain, rain, rain. Great temperature though, made a pretty good race. Got a little chaffed from the shorts, ouch. This was the 9th D2A2 run for me. Missed last year since we were travelling.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:10:20 00:10:20 00:10:21 5.8 -21.24
2.00 00:20:48 00:10:27 00:10:28 5.7 -14.59
3.00 00:31:23 00:10:34 00:10:35 5.7 28.61
4.00 00:42:15 00:10:52 00:10:53 5.5 -19.01
5.00 00:53:06 00:10:51 00:10:51 5.5 25.64
6.00 01:03:31 00:10:24 00:10:25 5.8 -21.69
6.28 01:06:38 00:03:06 00:11:03 5.4 29.20